Sunday, June 30, 2013

2. Wow

I thought I was going to write on this everyday. Like I said on my previous post this my pathetic effort to keep track of my weight loss this June 30, 2013 3:05AM 😊

Saturday, June 15, 2013


I just got Rick Rolled. O.o

Starting to blog again

Wow it's been a long time since I have been on here. Thanks to my English teacher from NCC I have this blog Lol. Well it's time to get to the point this is going to be my way to be able to keep track of what will be somewhat of a pathetic attempt to lose weight in my part. Well my current weight is about 330lbs well I hope that's an over estimate since I have not weighed my self in weeks. Well I'm currently at work so I will update of what I have eaten today about later when I have a bit of time. Well my grammar is not going to be great, because this is just going to be my ideas, thoughts and opinions. Well since I'm currently at work I have to do couple of things but when I have some time I will write what I have had to eat for today.